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Theology- The Wings of Man!

Written by: J.W. Pavlic

The Universe is squares flowing in a beauty, and momentum known as love. The human constitution’s based upon honesty, and is not above nature's law. All things in nature have balance. All things in nature have destiny. The balance of nature's nurtured by love.

The study of anything important, and the intelligent edification of nature's theology. The human constitution and personality's destined by its own destiny, and nurtured by nature's law. When given the well-rounded or compliantly intoned view-point that’s needed the personality, and human constitution will gather, and reflect any opinion subrisive; or insubrisive that may be given in a theoretical orientated world. The Universe’s moving in a motion, and velocity known as time. The human constitution is like a dimension. The personality's like a perspective. The human ‘perspective’ personality, and constitution are traveling to a point; and then back from that point gathering, and reflecting any opinions given a theoretical world. The human constitution and personality’s like a glimmering of twilight; or garden's gathering of harmonious sound. The persuasion of nature against the persuasion of man is theology!

The intelligent edification of nature and the study of anything important’s theology. The human “reflective” personality, and constitution are traveling to a point and then back from that point gathering and reflecting opinions. When given a well-rounded; or compliantly intoned view-point that it needs the personality, and human constitution will gather, and reflect a well-rounded or compliantly intoned disposition that's creative of the learning of a theoretical orientated Universe. The human personality, and constitution is destined by its own destiny, and nurtured by nature's law.

The Universe is traveling in a beauty, and momentum known as time. Theology started a long time ago when man first began to learn the intelligent edification of his nature, and the persuasion of his ideologies. The study of anything important, and the intelligent edification of nature’s theology. Health, wealth, and happiness are the things we seek. Attention, affection and understanding are the things we need. The consciousness is the consciousness of truth, and forgiveness. Truth's more than a word it's a way of life and forgiveness is the path upon which it stands. The intelligent edification of nature, and study of anything important’s theology.

All things in nature have destiny, and are nurtured by love. Traveling to a point and then back from that point the perspective personality, and human reflective disposition are nurtured by their own destiny, and nature's law. Theology started a long time ago when man first began to learn the persuasion of his nature, and ideologies. The human constitution and personality’s like a glimmering of twilight; or garden's gathering of a harmonious sound. The human personality, and constitution are destined by its own destiny, and nurtured by love. The study of anything important and the intelligent edification of nature's theology. Theology's the wings of man!
