
De l'aigle | Le Ville` | Shakti | L'égalité | Céu eterno | Sembilan | Malaikat | Infinita | Du al'Agneau | B'ak'tun | Lorentz | Õrn Seadus

Dracula is Alive!

Late one night as I was pondering upon the possibilities of what might exist beyond the farthest reaches of the unknown, a strange and eerie sound came through the room. The night was filled with an aboriginal intrigue of mystery and suspense from the beyond. It was sound so cold, chilling and deadly it sent shivers through the night, and left me frozen to my chair. Rumor having just reached me that Dracula was alive I was in fear of anticipation as witches howled and werewolves prowled the night. Dracula was a will of sheer power. Political philosophies were for the advocating of political power. There was no excuse for poverty. Agnostic animosity was unforgivable!

Elementas equitas! Elementas equitas! Witches howled, as werewolves prowled, under the light of an aboriginal moon. Demagogues danced in animosity, as clandestine policies were rampant and exasperating debates came to a halt. The moon was hidden behind a cumulus aura of mystery and suspense. Diane and I were on the league of justice, and sworn to the cause of freedom. It was an age of clandestine animosities and political intrigue as I pondered upon the destinies of the unknown. It was an age when civilizations crumbled and societies bent and fell. Cloak held back, flame red eyes; countenance shimmering against the pale moonlight. Dracula was a will of power, and an epitome of evil and his own destruction. The room was filled with an astronomical assortment of cannibalistic fetishes and astronomy gear of all kinds. I was sitting in the parlor next to the veranda by the fireplace. When suddenly, the room began to rise in a shrill madness of screams and cries. It was a sound so cold, chilling, and deadly it sent shivers running up and down my spine. A sound so shrill and aboriginal it filled the night with horror, and left goose bumps upon my flesh. When ignorance deals the cards and greed sows the seed if you let despair over-come your hopes bitter will be the fruits indeed. Demigods danced on cauldrons, as goblins and boogiemen brewed and stewed. Black magic and witchcraft filled the air, as vampire and consort stalked and black cats prowled in alleys!

The next morning I awoke with the soft warmth of sunlight coming through my window. The fresh breeze and the fresh smell of lilacs revived my memories. Diana was as lovely as anybody could be with hair like rainbows and freckles as warm as the sun. It was with utter horror that I recalled the attempted abduction and `equipe of her by Dracula. It was in the spring, when the flowers bloom and buds blossom. Ignorance entangled in jealousy, anger, and greed will always become a victim of its own destruction. Dracula and his consort were working in this area and vicinity of the neighborhood and quadroon. It was Diana's and my job to sabotage and infiltrate Dracula's and Vampira's activities. Suddenly, screams that maddened the senses and cries that dulled the mind, came from the shrill madness of horrors from the beyond!

The night was filled with a mysterious intrigue, and cumulus aura of suspense from the beyond. The moon was hidden behind an eerie, and ominous sky, as goblins and boogiemen danced on cauldrons, and clandestine animosities went unchecked. The only pecuniary beliefs of vampire and consort were for the accumulation of wealth and acquisition of material desires. It was in the spring when the flowers bloom and the pretty girls come out cold and pregnant with no place to go. The habitats were infested and inhabitants depleted making easy prey for the unawares. The river Saraswatti flows along with its flowering riverbanks in the spring. It was Diana's and my job to sabotage and infiltrate vampire activities working in this vicinity, and area of the quadroon. Diana and I were on the league of justice and sworn to the never-ending fight for freedom, we were on the trail of the greatest international saboteur of them all, Dracula!

The beautiful and mighty river Saraswatti's known for its healing capacity, and it was there Diana and I ask: "What might be and where Dracula had vanished?" It was when the flower blossoms are fragrant, and bloom in the spring. Dracula and his consort were entities of deception who, left their victims with no reflection. Clouded in a mysterious suspense of intrigue, the moon played peek-a-boo behind an omniscient sky as witches danced, and goblins pranced in the night, and black magic filled the air. Sworn to the never-ending cause of freedom and justice, Diana and I were on the trail of the greatest saboteur of all time. We searched the hills and the plains of the Casaba. We roamed the steppes and mountainsides of Algiers. It was the quality of truth to seek a better condition in life, and education. If you want to fight, fight for a better education. If you want the disillusionments of war and poverty then submit to the resignation of its entanglements. Lovely as she was beautiful, deadly as she was cold; Vampira too, was a victim of her own destruction. The great and mighty Buddha-omnisattva lives along the flowing riverbank, and it was there Diana and I ask: "What might exist beyond the farthest reaches of the unknown?" He smiled with his conch shell and lotus wheel- eyes bright, pearly white; a baby boy!

The End