Ordered Particles "abscissae"
Perhaps there's an indiscriminative aspect of gravitational "lock" that's provided by the Universe which is so minute that
it may only be detected on a cosmological scale? A center of gravity which unmeasurably excels 'one hundred million-trillionths'
of a microgram, yet, whose cosmological isomorphism's so affected that it upsets the chronological rotation curve's quantum
dynamics i.e. galaxies tend to fluctuate in a constant state of analytical change due to their gravitational indiscrepancies.
. .
Quantum mechanics: John Archibald Wheeler
Zero kinetic energy: traditional static, zero state. Photo: wavelength 300-500 nanometers/width 1/1000th
Question: Could the true identity of mattar be revealed as lightwaves fracture through the primeval densed particles of a
magnetically charged 'crystalized quartz' object? Could the complexity of primeval mattar be held together by the substance
of super-magnetically charged particles whose continuity of ever-changing 'tachyon' growth reaches beyond the limits of our
imagination, as we're attempting to grasp the continuous flow of its infinite "isomorphic" field?
Wheeler suggests that information's fundamental to the physics of the Universe. According to this "it from bit" doctrine all
things physical are informationally theoretic in origin. . .
Wheeler: It from bit. Otherwise put, every "it" — every particle, every field of force, even the space-time continuum
itself — derives its function, its meening, its very existence entirely — even if in some contexts indirectly
— from the apparatus-elicited answers to yes-or-no questions, binary choices, bits. "It from bit" symbolizes the idea
that every item of the physical world has at bottom — a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source
and explanation; which we call reality arising in the last analysis from the posing of a yes or no question and the registering
of its evoked responses; in short, that all things physical are informational and shared in origin as this is a participatory
The earth's spinning around the Sun that's orbiting in a galaxy which's traveling through a multi-Universe that's moving in
a "who knows what" or perhaps it's all like a pearl that's balanced on the end of a dream. What nature doesn't include's the
ignorance. While mankind has to figure that out for himself. . .
