GUN Control: ‘Second Amendment’
Hon’ble Sri Masters, please allow for this introduction by stating that I’m also a believer in the Second Amendment
of the U.S. Constitution so formally decreed and created by the founding fathers of the United States of America. The historical
U.S. Constitution that was formally decreed by the most educative scholars of the era whom founded in an understanding of
ideals and embellishments a newly forming government and its inclusive Bill of Rights amendments. A newly created government
and its ‘Bill of Rights' amendments that were created to protect a free thinking and liberated society that began to
evolve in the exclusiveness of its era for a greater purposefulness of liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. Although
it remains somewhat questionable as to the iconoclast reasoning that’s found to dwell beneath the eternal conflicts
of man’s infinite greediness and interest of soul. The U.S. Constitution and its "Bill of Rights" amendments are indelibly
consorted with anagrams, and punctuation; or words and commas that when interpreted serve to analyze a creativity that tries
to direct or explain with the greater betterment of purposefulness an understanding that the authors had intended. i.e. “A
well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
not be infringed”. Thus the words; or anagrams, and the logical syntax of punctuations and commas used in the declarative
employed’s in grammatical terms a ‘look back’ that when electively compiled adds to the greater betterment
of our patience and understanding by directing the terms of a more analytical manner towards what “we the people”
may knowingly construe as meening the militia. . .
