
De l'aigle | Le Ville` | Shakti | L'égalité | Céu eterno | Sembilan | Malaikat | Infinita | Du al'Agneau | B'ak'tun | Lorentz | Õrn Seadus

The Future's 'First Amendment'

Hon'ble Consulates, perhaps a more analytical questioning of the U.S. Constitution 'First Amendment' laws would reveal a more humanistic intuitiveness? An adamantly understood intuitiveness that's the subject of (Pro-Choice) 'free will' that incurs the subjective rights of "free speech" which remains the mother's 'God' given right to teach and nurture her child. While this discursion has continued to remain a travesty of modern "medical convenience" having thus allowed itself to interject an unknowingly naive assertion or 'civil liberties' assumption on the unborn as well as others. . .

i.e. A highly 'hieroglyphical' controversy having evolved from the issues of "freedom of choice" that's already emplaced in the U.S. Constitution's ('First Amendment') laws. . .