
De l'aigle | Le Ville` | Shakti | L'égalité | Céu eterno | Sembilan | Malaikat | Infinita | Du al'Agneau | B'ak'tun | Lorentz | Õrn Seadus

Starting our analisist of the story from the temptation of Christ which perhaps accured around 29 c.e. it's possible to understand 'Jesus' was very self discriptive when inferring "if Satan begets Satan then how should Satan stand" while thus realizing that he was calling the situation negatively Satanic or demeaningly unfruitful (with him "taking a dive" so to speak) . . .

While it may also be inferred that he (and his first cousin 'John') had become involved in the philosophy or physiological rhetoric of Socrates (250 b.c.) which may've left them a bit entangled or perhaps seeking a greater rhetoric for the vocalization of their thoughts and language of entanglements. . .

It should also be accertained that there were other things involved in the meditative disciplines of their day such as "the old testament" or 'firewalkers from India' or the wisdoms from the ancient East which they would've incurred and had contact with. . .

Thus let's "do the math" as the most obvious thing observed's that they evolved the understanding of our language by showing us that words are not connected and have no meening other than what may be allowed to be attached to them. . .

i.e. life's what-cha make it. . .