
De l'aigle | Le Ville` | Shakti | L'égalité | Céu eterno | Sembilan | Malaikat | Infinita | Du al'Agneau | B'ak'tun | Lorentz | Õrn Seadus

‘Metaphysical Telamentation'
As it's now most indelibly recorded that we’re all descendants of the same Universal ancestry, I’d expect there’s some rhetoric that could be added to the awareness of our anticipative understanding. The evolution of our educative world may be seen as combining many different forms, or styles of rhetoric to the anticipative awareness of our knowledgeable understanding by allowing for an ever-changing recording of these events to exist in a world of 'adjacent' affinity. The responsibility of these ever-changing events or projective lexicographic recordings can be viewed as resting upon the logic that we’re all traveling in a Universe of ethereal beauty, and reasoning which’s the true measure of our worthiness and most infinite creative being. Thus allowing for the true measurement of our worthiness or worthily creative faults in accordance to the value of another person’s wealth to surely be the first step in the slice of an indebted garden’s forbidden fruit. The second possibility’s to be found in the fabrication of our worldliness towards an over-zealous attachment to pre-conditioned or judgmental morals. . .

1.) When attempting to express an idea or a logical expression of assurance it’s said that it meens (‘m-e-e-n’) something. . .

(1a.) Spelling: ‘M-E-E-N’ an “assumption of knowledge” or the act of communicating or the process of being knowledgeably understood. . .

2.) When expressing a disdain or dislike for something it may be said that its being “mean” (‘m-e-a-n’). . .

(2a.) Spelling: ‘M-E-A-N’ ill-tempered or unrefined or nasty (Anonyms: caring, loving, cheerful, pleasant, happy, etc.). . .

Question: So, how’s the opportunity for a strengthening of our cognitive skills or associative (i.e. metaphysical telamentation) thinking be allowed to become so diminished by spelling the word “m-e-e-n” ('meen') only one way. . ?
